Module Procord_connection

module Procord_connection: sig .. end
Connection through UNIX file descriptors.

Connections are similar to sockets with the following added features:

This module can manage connections on sockets or on regular file descriptors. You can, for instance, simulate a connection with the parent process using Unix.stdin for input and Unix.stdout or Unix.stderr for output; or simulate a connection through pipes.


type 'a t 
Connections, i.e. sockets with added features.

You may associate your own data with each connection. Parameter 'a is the type of the data that is associated with the socket.

val connect : ?timeout:float ->
?ping:string -> string -> int -> 'a -> 'a t
Connect to a server using a socket.

Usage: connect ?timeout ?ping hostname port data

timeout : If the connection has been idle (nothing received) for timeout seconds, disconnect automatically.
ping : If the connection has been idle (nothing received) for timeout /. 2. seconds, send this message automatically. Ignored if timeout is unspecified.
val update : 'a t -> unit
Update a connection. Send and receive data from and to the internal buffers, send a ping message if needed, and close the connection if it is idle.
type state = 
| Connecting (*Waiting for the connection to be established.*)
| Connected (*Connection successful and still alive.*)
| Disconnecting (*Finishing sending, will be disconnected just after.*)
| Disconnected of (Unix.error * string * string) option (*Connection failed, lost, closed or reset by peer. If the error is None, the socket was closed locally. The strings are, respectively, the name of the function which failed and the string argument to the function, if any.

Warning: there may still be data to be received. Call receive_buffer_empty to check.

Possible states of connections.
val state : 'a t -> state
Get the state of the connection at the last update.
val alive : 'a t -> bool
Return whether a connection is alive.

Return true if state is Connecting, Connected or Disconnecting. Return false if state is Disconnected.

val send : 'a t -> string -> unit
Send data to a connection.

The data is put in the connection buffer. Call update regularly to ensure the data is sent eventually.

You may call send while the connection is establishing. The data will be sent eventually if you call update.

You may call send after the socket is disconnected, but nothing will happen.

val receive : 'a t -> int -> string option
Receive data from a connection.

Usage: receive connection length

If at least length bytes are available in the connection buffer, return length bytes (not more, not less). Else, return None.

Calling receive while the connection is establishing returns None.

Note that there might still be bytes to read even if the socket is disconnected.

val receive_poll : 'a t -> int -> int -> string option
Same as receive, but do not remove the data from the buffer.

Usage: receive_poll connection offset length

If at least offset + length bytes are available in the connection buffer, return length bytes (not more, not less) starting at offset. Else, return None.

val receive_poll_part : 'a t -> int -> int -> string
Same as receive_poll, but may receive less data than requested.

Usage: receive_poll connection offset length

Return at most length bytes starting at offset in the buffer, possibly 0.

val receive_all : 'a t -> string
Same as receive, but receive everything.

Usage: receive_all connection

Receive everything which is available in the buffer, possibly nothing.

val receive_part : 'a t -> int -> string
Same as receive, but may receive less data than requested.

Usage: receive_part connection length

If at least length bytes are available from the buffer, receive length bytes. Else, receive as much bytes as possible, possibly 0.

val receive_forget : 'a t -> int -> unit
Same as receive, but do not actually return the received data.

This is more efficient if you do not need the data.

val receive_buffer_length : 'a t -> int
Return the length of the receive buffer.
val receive_buffer_empty : 'a t -> bool
Return whether the receive buffer is empty.
val close : 'a t -> unit
Close a connection if it is not closed already.
val close_nicely : ?timeout:float -> 'a t -> unit
Same as close, but wait until all data is sent first. This is the only way the state can become Disconnecting.
timeout : If specified, do not wait more than timeout seconds.

As usual, the wait is non-blocking: call update until the socket is disconnected.

val data : 'a t -> 'a
Get the data associated to a connection.
val timeout : 'a t -> float option
Get the timeout argument which was passed to connect or custom.

Synchronous Interface

module Sync: sig .. end
Synchronous interface to procord connections.

Addresses (Socket Connections Only)

val remote_address : 'a t -> Unix.sockaddr
Get the remote address of a connection.
val make_address : string -> Unix.inet_addr
Make a socket address from an IPv4, IPv6 or DNS address.

Connection Sets

This section is useful for servers.
type 'a set 
Client connection sets.

Sets are mutable lists of connections.

It could be argued that it would be easy to make this immutable. However, there is only one set of connection at any given time; it makes no sense to have several which live together. If a connection is closed, it should not be used anymore. Having the set mutable reflects this fact.

val empty_set : unit -> 'a set
Create a new empty set of connections.
val accept_into_set : ?timeout:float ->
?ping:string ->
Unix.file_descr ->
(Unix.sockaddr -> 'a option) -> 'a set -> unit
Accept new connections from a socket and add them to a set of connections.

Usage: accept_into_set ?timeout ?ping socket make_data connections

Function make_data is given the address of the remote peer, and shall return Some data where data is the data to associate with the connection, or None to close the connection immediately.

See Procord_connection.connect for the meaning of timeout and ping, which are applied to accepted connections.

May raise Unix_error (EBADF, ...).

val update_set : 'a set -> unit
Update all connections of a set, and remove closed connections.
val iter : 'a set -> ('a t -> unit) -> unit
Iterate on all connections of a connection set.


Waiting for something to happen using can be tricky. It is easy to give the wrong set of file descriptors, resulting in unwanted delays or, on the opposite, the program using all the CPU. This section provides facilities to call correctly on sockets.

First, define a waiter. You may do it once and for all for connections using waiter, even for servers using waiter_of_listening_socket and waiter_of_set. Then, just call wait.

type waiter 
Waiters for the wait function.
val waiter : 'a t -> waiter
Make a waiter from a connection.

The waiter will wait on the socket:

In other words, it will wait until it is worth calling update on the connection.
val waiter_of_listening_socket : Unix.file_descr -> waiter
Make a waiter from a listening socket.

The waiter will wait on the socket for reading and for exceptional conditions.

In other words, it will wait until it is worth calling Unix.accept on the socket.

val waiter_of_set : 'a set -> waiter
Make a waiter from a set of connections.

The waiter will behave as if waiter_of_list was called on the list of waiters for all connections of a set. This list may change as the set grows and shrinks.

In other words, it will wait until it is worth calling update_set on the set of connections.

val waiter_custom : ?read:Unix.file_descr list ->
?write:Unix.file_descr list ->
?except:Unix.file_descr list -> unit -> waiter
Make a custom waiter from file descriptors.

The waiter will wait:

val waiter_of_list : waiter list -> waiter
Make a waiter from a list of waiters.

The waiter will wait until one of the waiters in the list wants to stop waiting.

val instanciate_waiter : waiter ->
Unix.file_descr list * Unix.file_descr list * Unix.file_descr list
Get the file descriptor lists for from a waiter.

Allows you to call yourself.

val wait : ?timeout:float -> waiter -> bool
Wait until something new happens.
timeout : If specified, stop waiting after timeout seconds.

Return true if something happened, false in case of timeout.

val wait' : ?timeout:float -> waiter -> unit
Same as wait but ignore the result.

Low-Level Access

val custom : ?timeout:float ->
?ping:string ->
?input:Unix.file_descr ->
?output:Unix.file_descr ->
?remote_address:Unix.sockaddr -> 'a -> 'a t
Create a connection from custom file descriptors.

Similar to connect, but instead of taking an address as input, take file descriptors.

input : The file descriptor to read or receive data from. If unspecified, no data will ever be received.
output : The file descriptor to write or send data to. If unspecified, data sent will be ignored.
remote_address : The address returned by remote_address. The default value is a dummy one, ADDR_UNIX "".