Module Record

module Record: sig .. end
Dynamic records


type 's layout 
The representation of record types. 's is usually a phantom type. Two interfaces are provided for creating layouts, in Unsafe and Safe.
exception ModifyingSealedStruct of string
Raised by field or seal if layout has already been sealed.


type 's t = {
   layout : 's layout;
   content : 's content;
The representation of record values.
type 's content 
val get_layout : 'a t -> 'a layout
Get the layout of a record.
exception AllocatingUnsealedStruct of string
Raised by make when the corresponding layout has not been sealed.
module Type: sig .. end
Type converters
module Field: sig .. end
val get : 's t -> ('a, 's) Field.t -> 'a
Get the value of a field.
val set : 's t -> ('a, 's) Field.t -> 'a -> unit
Set the value of a field.
exception UndefinedField of string
Raised by get if the field was not set.
module Polid: sig .. end
module Unsafe: sig .. end
Unsafe interface
module Safe: sig .. end
Safe interface


val to_yojson : 'a t -> Yojson.Safe.json
Convert a record to JSON.
val of_yojson : 'a layout -> Yojson.Safe.json -> ('a t, string) Result.result
Convert a JSON value into a given schema.
module Util: sig .. end
val equal : 'a layout -> 'b layout -> ('a, 'b) Polid.equal
Equality predicate.